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ACCT 701: Financial Statement Analysis

From Professor Guy McClain:

The Financial Statement Analysis course is designed to build and strengthen your ability to correctly interpret financial statements and their accompanying discloses and use them to assess a company's value. We will study the major corporate reporting mechanisms and discuss key financial statement analysis tools and commonly used valuation models. Emphasis will be placed on the interpretability and understandability of financial and business communications.

Student Perspectives:

"This class was difficult at first but once we met in person the learning objectives made more sense to me. My favorite part of the class was learning and discussing ratio analysis." ~ Anonymous
"The information learned in this class had me looking through my own employer's SEC-filed financial statements. I look forward to applying this knowledge in future roles." ~ Ian Heatherly
"What really resonated for me from this class was the correlation of data in a 10K report and the leadership of companies." ~ Anonymous

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