CFP® Disclaimer
Millsaps College has partnered with Zahn Associates, Inc. (ZAHN) to offer a Certificate in Personal Financial Planning. This certificate is issued by Millsaps College Executive Education Department and not co-branded. To earn the certificate, students must complete seven courses (EXE FP100 – EXE FP700). Attendance is mandatory in the program to reach the 272 required contact hours.
Millsaps College purchases sets of course materials per student from Zahn Associates, Inc. ZAHN also provides an online Student Portal, which they manage. The Student Portal components include recorded videos, quizzes, and exams.
Make-Up Requirements for Missed Classes
If a student must be absent at any time during the program, the student is required to make up the missed lessons and time through the ZAHN Student Portal. Missed lessons cost $25.00 per lesson. This fee is paid to ZAHN. This fee is not covered by the tuition fee of the class. An instructor provided by Zahn will guide the students if they have questions. Lessons must be completed before returning to class the next week.
The estimated additional cost is variable. Each class has ten lessons, multiple case studies, and a final exam. Weeks one and two each review four lessons. Weeks three and four cover the remaining lessons and case studies.
If a student misses an entire weekend of class in weeks 1 or 2, the cost would be up to $100.
If a student misses an entire weekend of class in weeks 3 or 4, the cost would be between $25 and $50.
Missing the final exam does not require a fee. However, the student must schedule a time with the professor to take the missed final exam. This time will be subject to availability.
The final two classes in the Certificate in Financial Planning program are EXE FP600 and EXE FP700. Students may not miss any class time during these final classes. If a student must miss time, the student will be required to take the courses online through the Zahn Online Program. Students who start in person and miss time, will be required to transfer to the Zahn Online Program to complete that class. NOTE: This requires students to start the entire course over from the beginning.
The content for the final two classes is different in the Zahn Online Program from the program held in person at University of Dallas. There are no individual lesson videos available which can make up the missed lessons and time.
The cost of taking either FP600 and/or FP700 in the Zahn Online Program is as follows:
FP600: The cost to complete FP600 in the Zahn Online Program is $595.00
FP700: The cost to complete FP700 in the Zahn Online Program is $695.00
These costs are in lieu of the tuition fee to Millsaps College.
ZAHN Online Program
A student can elect to take any class (FP100 – FP700) in the Zahn Online Program and have it transfer into the Millsaps College program for completion purposes. Millsaps College and ZAHN encourage students who will miss more than one week of classes/lessons to take that class in the Zahn Online Program. This allows the student to have a more cohesive learning experience. We have noticed an 8-10% grade reduction when students miss more than one week of class.
Students will contact Millsaps staff to initiate the transfer to the Zahn Online Program for any class. Millsaps staff will assist in the transfer and confirm the student will be returning to the Millsaps program after that course. Students who elect to take a course with ZAHN will pay ZAHN for the course in lieu of a tuition payment to Millsaps. Millsaps staff will coordinate a return to the Millsaps program and gather appropriate documentation (grade and course certificate) for student records. Students must complete the online class before starting the next class in the program.
The cost is variable and is paid directly to ZAHN. This fee replaces the tuition fee to Millsaps. This process is allowed as a benefit to the student during this intensive 10-month program.
FP100: $595.00
FP200: $595.00
FP300: $595.00
FP400: $595.00
FP500: $595.00
FP600: $595.00
FP700: $695.00
Earning The CFP® Certificate
Completion of this program allows a student to earn the Certificate in Financial Planning. Millsaps does not issue the CFP® certification. The student’s completion is submitted to the CFP® Board as verification that the student has completed a CFP® Board approved and registered program. This education verification completes one of the criteria a student must meet to sit for the Certified Financial Planner™ exam. The cost of the exam is not included in our tuition fees.
Students with prior coursework from other institutions can still earn this certificate. Millsaps requires a student to complete four of the seven classes within our program, including FP700.
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